SCC Meeting 11 - Program Agenda

Software Certification Consortium Meeting #11
Competencies and Education Required for Development and Certification of Systems Containing Software
May 5-6, 2013 | Annapolis, Maryland

Conference Archives:


SUNDAY, MAY 5, 2013
1130 - 1230 Lunch
1230 - 1300 Welcome and Introductions
1300 - 1330 Bodies of Knowledge and Competency Models for Software and Systems Engineering
Dick Fairley – Colorado Technical University / IEEE Computer Society
1330 - 1400 Licensing of Professional Software Engineers
Phil Laplante–Pennsylvania State University
1400 - 1445 Discussion 1
1445 - 1500 Coffee
1500 - 1630 Breakout 1
1630 - 1700 Report back from Breakouts
1730 - 1900 Social
1900 - 2100 SCC Dinner
MONDAY, MAY 6, 2013
0830 - 0900 Competencies Required for Engineering of Digital Systems in Nuclear Power Plants
Steve Arndt – US Nuclear Regulatory Commission
0900 - 0930 Competency Requirements for Engineering of Software Based Automotive Systems
Joe D’Ambrosio – General Motors
0930 - 1015 Discussion 2
1015 - 1030 Coffee
1030 - 1100 The Educational Value of Challenge Problems
Alan Wassyng – McMaster University
1100 - 1130 Challenges in Developing a Safety Standard for Medical Application Platforms
Anura Fernando – Underwriters Laboratories & John Hatcliff – Kansas State University
1130 - 1215 Discussion 3
1215 - 1315 Lunch
1315 - 1325 Medical Device Challenges – Overview and Options (Research & Education)
1325 - 1340 Example PCA Pump Requirements Document
1340 - 1350 PCA Pump Hardware Platform
1350 - 1400 PCA Pump Challenge Potential Work Plan
1400 - 1410 Intro to Insulin Pump Challenge & Work Plan
1410 - 1420 Update on Pacemaker Challenge
1420 - 1430 Coffee
1430 - 1500 Discussion 4
1500 - 1630 Breakout 2
1630 - 1715 Report back from Breakout
1715 - 1745 Actions and Wrap-up
1745 Meeting Adjourned