ACT 2016 - Agenda

ACT Workshop 2016
8-10 March, 2016  | Sandia National Laboratories | Albuquerque, New Mexico



Early Badging - March 7, 2016

1200 - 1430          Early Badging -  Sandia Badge Office                                  Sandia POC                                             
1700-1900 No Host Reception/Networking Marriott Albuquerque


Day 1 - March 8, 2016

0700 - 0800 Badging IPOC

0800 –  0825

General Networking (Coffee & Pastries) All
0900 - 0930 Welcome
Lightning Round Introductions
Agenda Review
Kathy Bogner, Chair - SCORE
0945 - 1015 Break  
1015 - 1130

Integrated Mitigations Framework Briefing
Use Case Overview

Eric Chudow
Julie Haney

1130 - 1300

Working Lunch with Break

David White
1300 - 1445  Spin 4 Outbriefs Ed Rhyne
            Device Integrity Outbrief James Carter
            Damage Containment Outbrief Marco Carvalho
            Secure and Available Transport Outbrief                Chris Hawkins
1445 - 1450 Break and Use Case Preference Select  
1450 - 1520 Birds of a Feather All
1520 - 1535 Birds of a Feather Outbrief Group Representatives
1535 End of Day for Uncleared Attendees  
1600 - 1730 Closed Meeting  


Day 2 - March 9, 2016

0800 –  0825        General Networking (Coffee & Pastries) All                                                               
0825 - 0830 Agenda Review for Day 2 In McCann
0830 - 0930 Threat Brief/Keynote Travis Rosiek, Mandiant/FireEye
0930 - 1000 Call to ACTion Ed Rhyne
1000 - 1015 Break  
1015 -1130

Breakout Session 1
         Study Use Case

1130 - 1230

Working Lunch - The Cloud Proxy: Tao for Trusted Computing

1230 - 1245 Break  
1300 - 1515 Breakout Session 2
          Formulation of Action Plans
1515 - 1530 Special Brief:  Defense Research and Engineering Network (DREN)  Eddie Brooks, ARL
1530 - 1540

Next Steps/Review Day 3 Agenda

Ed Rhyne
1545 Day 2 Adjourn  

1830 - 2100

No-Host Workshop Dinner El Pinto


Day 3 - March 10, 2016

0800 – 0830         General Networking (Coffee & Pastries)      All                                                             
0830 - 0845

Agenda Review
Call to ACTion

Ed Rhyne
0845 - 1130

Breakout Session 3 
        Formulation of Plans

1200 - 1300

Working Lunch - Special Speaker Q & A

Richard Hale, CIO DoD

1300 - 1310 Break        
1310 - 1330 Damage Containment Outbrief Team 1
1330 - 1350 Defense of Accounts Outbrief Team 2
1350 - 1410 Device Integrity Outbrief Team 3
1410 - 1430 Secure and Available Transport Outbrief Team 4
1430 - 1500 Summary and Path Forward Ed Rhyne
1500 Day 3 Adjourn  



Sandia National Laboratories - Innovation Parkway Office Center

Visitor Information

Please procced to Innovation Parkway Office Center (IPOC) for badging. Additional details for sending clearance information will be sent to your e-mail.


The Innovation Parkway Office Center (IPOC), 1611 Innovation Parkway SE. From I-40, go south on Eubank Boulevard, turn left at the light to continue on Eubank (just before the Eubank Gate entrance to the base), and turn left onto Innovation Parkway where Eubank Boulevard ends. The three-story IPOC building is located on the left side shortly after you turn. See map.

Directions from the Marriott Albuquerque to the IPOC


Albuquerque International Airport (ABQ) is located at 2200 Sunport Blvd. SE Albuquerque, New Mexico 87106.

Hotel Accommodations

Per Diem for Albuquerque: $89/Lodging, $51/Meals

The Albuquerque Uptown area is close to restaurants, shopping, and has the easiest access to the venue.  The hotels are not within walking distance of the base - renting a rental car is recommended.

ACT 2016 Workshop - Sandia National Labs Room Block is available at

Marriott Albuquerque <Book your group rate for Sandia National Laboratories - ACT Workshop Room Block>
2101 Louisiana Blvd NE
Albuquerque, NM 87110

Participants should plan on arriving Monday, March 7 and departing Friday, March 11

Start Date:  3/8/2016
End Date: 3/10/2016
Reservation block is good until 2/15/2016

Ground Transportation

Rental Cars - Off-site Car Rental Center with shuttle service from the terminal is located at 3400 University Blvd SE Albuquerque, NM 87106.

Information Needed for Attending the Workshop

Please provide the following information to Erica Toledo at 505-845-9011. If you prefer to send your information via classified email please let Erica know ( so she can forward you the classified email address. If you should have any questions please feel free to contact Erica through email or phone.

Please submit the following information NO LATER THAN 2/26/16.

Information needed:
*Social Security Number
*Date of Birth
*Place of Birth (City, State, Country)
US Citizen (Yes/No)

The classified briefing will be at the TS/SCI level. Clearances can be emailed or faxed.
Fax: 505.284.8812

Badges will be available for pick up at Sandia's Badge Office beginning Monday, March 7, 2016 7:30am - 3pm.

1611 Innovation Parkway
Albuquerque, NM 87123

Important Reminder about items PROHIBITED on the Sandia Premises:

  • Privately owned recording equipment
  • Cellular phones and 2 way pagers
    • Please note: Sandia dow NOT have a reciprocity agreement with other DOE labs or other government agencies regarding iPhones. Non-Sandia issued iPhones/cellular devices are not allowed with the tech area gates.
  • Computers, Laptops, Tablets, iPods, Associated Media
  • USB Keys
  • Radio/Pager Transmitting Electronic Equipment
  • Controlled Substances and Illegal Drugs
  • Firearms, Weapons, Explosives, and Incendiary Devices
  • Fit Bits and Apple Watches

*Note: all persons shall, upon request, submit to a search of their person, hand-carried items, and/or vehicle by order of the Department of Energy.

Workshop Dinner

The workshop dinner will be buffet style held at El Pinto, March 9th, 6:30-9:00pm.  Please note the workshop dinner is a no-host event.

Details to will be provided during the workshop.

El Pinto is located
10500 4th St.  NW
Albuquerque,NM 87114

Additional Venue Information

Contact Information

ACT Organizers

Linda Hart
Cyber Pack Ventures, Inc.
ACT Lead Organizer - General Logisitics

Heather Lucas
Department of Defense
ACT Organizer - Web, General Logisitics

In Case of Emergency

Erica Toledo
Sandia National Laboratories
ACT Organizer - Local Logisitcs