International Conferences: Computing and Communications Technologies (ICCCT'15), Chennai, India 2015


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International Conferences:

Computing and Communications Technologies (ICCCT’15)

Chennai, India, 2015


The International Conference on Computing and Communications Technologies (ICCCT’15) was organized by the Department of Information Technology, Sri Sai Ram Engineering College and was held in Chennai, Madras, India on 26–27 February 2015. More than seventy papers were presented. The ones cited here are deemed by the editors to be of most direct interest to the Science of Security community.

Roopashree, H.R.; Kanavalli, A., “STREE: A Secured Tree based Routing with Energy Efficiency in Wireless Sensor Network,” in Computing and Communications Technologies (ICCCT), 2015 International Conference on, vol., no., pp. 25–30,

26–27 Feb. 2015. doi:10.1109/ICCCT2.2015.7292714

Abstract: The Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) applications are today not only limited to the research stage rather it has been adopted practically in many defense as well as general civilians applications. It has been witness that extensive research have been conducted towards energy efficient routing and communication protocols and it has been reached to an acceptable stages, but without having a secure communications wide acceptance of the application is not likely. Due to unique characteristics of WSN, the security schemes suggested for other wireless networks are not applicable to WSN. This paper introduces an novel tree based technique called as Secure Tree based Routing with Energy Efficiency or STREE using clustering approximation along with lightweight key broadcasting mechanism in hierarchical routing protocol. The outcome of the study was compared with standard SecLEACH to find that proposed system ensure better energy efficiency and security.

Keywords: cryptography; routing protocols; trees (mathematics); wireless sensor networks; STREE; WSN; clustering approximation; energy efficiency; energy efficient routing protocols; hierarchical routing protocol; lightweight key broadcasting mechanism; secured tree based routing; wireless sensor network; Algorithm design and analysis; Approximation methods; Batteries; Energy efficiency; Reactive power; Security; Wireless sensor networks; Clustering Approximation; SecLEACH; Sybil Attack; Tree Based approach; Wireless Sensor Network (ID#: 15-8154)



D.I. George Amalarethinam; Geetha, J.S., “Image Encryption and Decryption in Public Key Cryptography Based on MR,” in Computing and Communications Technologies (ICCCT), 2015 International Conference on, vol., no., pp. 133-138, 26–27 Feb. 2015. doi:10.1109/ICCCT2.2015.7292733

Abstract: In the past decade, image encryption is given much attention in research of information security and a lot of image encryption algorithms have been introduced. Due to some intrinsic features of images like bulk data capacity and high data redundancy, the encryption of image is different from that of text; therefore it is difficult to handle them by traditional encryption methods. In the proposed work, a new image encryption algorithm based on Magic Rectangle (MR) is being applied. To begin with, the plain-image is converted into blocks of single bytes and then the block is replaced as the value of MR. Further, the control parameters of Magic Rectangle (MR) are selected randomly by the user. Subsequently the image is being encrypted with public key cryptography algorithms such as RSA, ElGamal etc. The experimental result shows that the proposed algorithm can successfully encrypt/decrypt the images with separate secret keys, and the algorithm has good encryption effect. Cipher text developed by this method will be entirely different when compared to the original image file and will be suitable for the secured transmission over the internet. Thus, this model provides an additional level of security to public key algorithm and efficient utilization of memory.

Keywords: Internet; image processing; public key cryptography; ElGamal; Internet; MR method; RSA; cipher text; image decryption; image encryption; information security; magic rectangle method; Arrays; m Ciphers; Encryption; Image coding; Public key cryptography; Communication Security; Image Encryption and Decryption; Magic Rectangle; Public Key Cryptography; Public key; Secret key (ID#: 15-8155)



Nirmal, K.; Janet, B.; Kumar, R., “Phishing — The Threat That Still Exists,” in Computing and Communications Technologies (ICCCT), 2015 International Conference on, vol., no., pp. 139–143, 26–27 Feb. 2015. doi:10.1109/ICCCT2.2015.7292734

Abstract: Phishing is an online security attack in which the hacker aims in harvesting sensitive information like passwords, credit card information etc. from the users by making them to believe what they see is what it is. This threat has been into existence for a decade and there has been continuous developments in counter attacking this threat. However, statistical study reveals how phishing is still a big threat to today’s world as the online era booms. In this paper, we look into the art of phishing and have made a practical analysis on how the state of the art anti-phishing systems fail to prevent Phishing. With the loop-holes identified in the state-of-the-art systems, we move ahead paving the roadmap for the kind of system that will counter attack this online security threat more effectively.

Keywords: authorisation; computer crime; antiphishing systems; online security attack; online security threat; phishing attack; sensitive information harvesting; statistical analysis; Browsers; Computer hacking; Electronic mail; Google; Radiation detectors; Uniform resource locators; Computer Fraud; Cyber Security; Password theft; Phishing (ID#: 15-8156)



Sathiamoorthy, J.; Ramakrishnan, B.; Usha, M., “A Reliable and Secure Data Transmission in CEAACK MANETs Using Distinct Dynamic Key with Classified Digital Signature Cryptographic Algorithm,” in Computing and Communications Technologies (ICCCT), 2015 International Conference on, vol., no., pp. 144–151, 26–27 Feb. 2015. doi:10.1109/ICCCT2.2015.7292735

Abstract: CEAACK MANETs are vulnerable to attacks and this can be reduced by employing a cluster mechanism which ensures that packet transmission occurs without unnecessary delay. Clustering can be made effective in CEAACK MANETs by opting for a cluster head mechanism which ensures that control rests with a single powerful node within a cluster. This cluster head takes on the responsibility of routing the packets efficiently by coordinating with the base station. Cluster heads are also prone to malicious attacks and is affected more than a normal network. In this paper we try to incorporate a new approach in CEAACK MANETs by implementing a cryptographic technique to tackle the vulnerabilities of the network. This cryptographic is highly secure which uses a distinct classified digital key which can be generated dynamically using the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) Algorithm. This technique can ensure that data is securely transmitted in a reliable manner. This scheme aims at transmission efficiency and also tries to reduce the intrudes in CEAACK MANETs.

Keywords: cryptography; digital signatures; mobile ad hoc networks; pattern clustering; telecommunication network routing; telecommunication security; AES algorithm; CEAACK MANET; advanced encryption standard algorithm; base station; classified digital signature cryptographic algorithm; cluster head mechanism; clustered enhanced adaptive acknowledgment; data transmission security; distinct dynamic key; mobile ad hoc network; network vulnerability; packet routing; Ad hoc networks; Authentication; Digital signatures; Encryption; Heuristic algorithms; Mobile computing; Advanced Encryption Standard (AES); Authentication; Clustered Enhanced Adaptive Acknowledgment (CEAACK); Distinct Dynamic Key (DKey); Mobile Ad hoc NETwork (MANET); secret secure digital signature number (ID#: 15-8157)



Priya, L.; Chatterjee, K., “A Secure Authentication Scheme in Ad Hoc Network Using Threshold Cryptography,” in Computing and Communications Technologies (ICCCT), 2015 International Conference on, vol., no., pp. 152–155, 26–27 Feb. 2015. doi:10.1109/ICCCT2.2015.7292736

Abstract: Adhoc network is very popular due to their infrastructure less architecture. One main challenge in such networks is to provide security in communication where the hosts rely on each other to keep the network connected. This types of network suffers in passive eavesdropping, impersonation, replay attacks. To resist this type of attack we use secret sharing techniques based on CRT. In this paper we have proposed a two level key distribution scheme for adhoc networks. In the first level we use Knapsack algorithm for key distribution among the cluster heads and in the second level we use Chinese remainder theorem (CRT) to share the secret among the nodes of the cluster.

Keywords: ad hoc networks; cryptography; knapsack problems; CRT; Chinese remainder theorem; adhoc network; authentication scheme security; impersonation; knapsack algorithm; passive eavesdropping; replay attacks; secret sharing technique; threshold cryptography; two level key distribution scheme; Authentication; Computer architecture; Computer science; Public key; Resists; Asmuth-bloom secret sharing; Chinese remainder theorem (CRT); Knapsack-public key cryptography (ID#: 15-8158)



Chahar, U.S.; Chatterjee, K., “A Novel Differential Phase Shift Quantum Key Distribution Scheme for Secure Communication,” in Computing and Communications Technologies (ICCCT), 2015 International Conference on, vol., no.,

pp. 156–159, 26–27 Feb. 2015. doi:10.1109/ICCCT2.2015.7292737

Abstract: Quantum key distribution is used for secure communication between two parties for generation of secret key. Differential Phase Shift Quantum Key Distribution is a new and unique QKD protocol that is different from traditional ones, providing simplicity and practicality. This paper presents Delay Selected DPS-QKD scheme in which it uses a weak coherent pulse train, and features simple configuration and efficient use of the time domain. All detected photon participate to form a secure key bits and resulting in a higher key creation efficiency.

Keywords: cryptographic protocols; differential phase shift keying; quantum cryptography; telecommunication security; time-domain analysis; QKD protocol; coherent pulse train; delay selected DPS-QKD scheme; differential phase shift quantum key distribution scheme; secret key generation; secure communication; secure key bits; time domain analysis; Delays; Detectors; Differential phase shift keying; Photonics; Protocols; Security; Differential Phase Shift; Differential phase shift keying protocol; Quantum Key Distribution (ID#: 15-8159)



Hindusree, M.; Sasikumar, R.; “Preventing Shoulder Surfing in Secure Transactions,” in Computing and Communications Technologies (ICCCT), 2015 International Conference on, vol., no., pp. 160–163, 26–27 Feb. 2015. doi:10.1109/ICCCT2.2015.7292738

Abstract: Information and computer security are supported largely by passwords which are the principle part of the authentication process. The personal identification number (PIN) is common authentication method used in various devices like ATM’s, mobile devices and electronic door locks. This PIN entry method is harmed to shoulder surfing attack (SSA). When user enters their pin number in populous place, attacker observes the pin number over their shoulder. This is called shoulder surfing attack. In this paper we will propose a method to prevent this SSA attack. We do this through the use of advanced BW (Black White) method and session key method by changing the layout of the keypad.

Keywords: security of data; transaction processing; BW method; PIN entry method; SSA; authentication process; black white method; computer security; information security; passwords; personal identification number; secure transactions; session key method; shoulder surfing attack; Authentication; Color; Complexity theory; Computer science; Layout; Smart phones; authentication; security (ID#: 15-8160)



Vijayalakshmi, N.; Sasikumar, R., “An ID-Based Privacy Preservation for VANET,” in Computing and Communications Technologies (ICCCT), 2015 International Conference on, vol., no., pp. 164–167, 26–27 Feb. 2015. doi:10.1109/ICCCT2.2015.7292739

Abstract: VANET (Vehicular Ad-Hoc Network) is a special kind of message network. Authentication is an important security service for both vehicles to vehicle communications (V2V) and vehicle to roadside communications (V2R). The most Challenges and issues in the Vehicular Ad hoc network (VANET) are security and integrity. Vehicles will be threatened from misuse of their remote data and attack their private information, and capable of being reviewed form accidents or problems. In the proposed scheme, asymmetric key concept and PKC (Public Key Cryptography) were used. In ID Based Privacy Preservation for VANET, we use the Public Key Cryptography (PKC) to the pseudonym generation, which ensure authentic third party to achieve non repudiation of vehicles by obtaining vehicles Identity (IDs). PKC-based Pseudonyms are self generated also using as an identifier instead of vehicle Ids for the privacy preservation validation, while the update of the pseudonyms depends on vehicular demands. In this paper two schemes are used for authentication, Id-Based Signature (IBS) and Id-Based Online/Offline Signature (IBOOS), for the authentication between Road Side Unit (RSU) and vehicle. In the proposed system, we are increasing the safety and security in VANET environment.

Keywords: digital signatures; public key cryptography; telecommunication security; vehicular ad hoc networks; IBOOS; ID-based online-offline signature; ID-based privacy preservation; ID-based signature; PKC-based pseudonym generation; RSU; VANET; Vehicular Ad-Hoc Network; asymmetric key concept; authentic third party; message network; public key cryptography; remote data; road side unit; security service; vehicle-to-roadside communications; vehicles identity; vehicles-to-vehicle communications; vehicular demands; Authentication; Privacy; Receivers; Vehicles; Vehicular ad hoc networks; Identity-base Cryptography; Privacy preservation; Pseudonym; Vehicular Ad Hoc Network (ID#: 15-8161)



Logeshwari, R.; Karthikayani, K.; Sindhuja, A.; Ashok, D., “Designing a Bio-Capsule Secure Authentication System,” in Computing and Communications Technologies (ICCCT), 2015 International Conference on, vol., no., pp. 168–173, 26–27 Feb. 2015. doi:10.1109/ICCCT2.2015.7292740

Abstract: In this modern world, especially on the Internet, user might have more and more usernames or IDs and passwords, which contains his/her private information. There are too many for a user to remember and it is unsafe to write them down on the notebook. To solve this problem, this paper proposes a novel design of User data Management System (UMS), by which user can manage his/her private information’s efficiently. With the fast evolution in sensor technology biometric authentication system becomes more popular in daily lives. The biometrics is improving the capability to recognize the persons. The construction of Bio-Capsule from biometrics is used generally to secure the system. The biometrics used in this paper is fingerprint and iris. These two features are combined with the help of fusion algorithm. From the combined features, Bio-Capsule is generated which used for authenticating User data Management Systems.

Keywords: Internet; biometrics (access control); data privacy; security of data; Internet; UMS; bio-capsule secure authentication system; biometrics; private information; user data management system; usernames; Authentication; Cryptography; Feature extraction; Fingerprint recognition; Iris; Iris recognition; Bio-Capsule Generation; Biometrics; Histogram Equalization; Minutiae Points; Morphological operation; Weiner filtering; fusion algorithm (ID#: 15-8162)



Rani; Jayakumar, C.; Divya, “Trust Aware Systems in Wireless Sensor Networks,” in Computing and Communications Technologies (ICCCT), 2015 International Conference on, vol., no., pp. 174-179, 26–27 Feb. 2015. doi:10.1109/ICCCT2.2015.7292741

Abstract: Sensor network is an adaptable technology for perceiving environmental criterions and hence finds its pivotal role in a wide range of applications. The applications range from mission critical like military or patient monitoring systems to home surveillance systems where the network may be prone to security attacks. The network is vulnerable to attack as it may be deployed in hostile environments. In addition it may be exposed to attacks due to the inherent feature of not incorporating security mechanisms into the nodes. Hence additional programs for security may be added in the network. One such scheme is making the network a trust ware system. The trust computation serves as a powerful tool in the detection of unexpected node behaviour. In this paper we propose a trust mechanism to determine the trustworthiness of the sensor node. Most of the existing trust aware systems are centralised and suffer from single head failure. In this paper we propose a dynamic and decentralized system.

Keywords: telecommunication security; trusted computing; wireless sensor networks; decentralized system; dynamic system; environmental criterion; hostile environment; network security; network vulnerability; sensor node trustworthiness determination; trust aware system; unexpected node behaviour detection; wireless sensor network; Base stations; Energy efficiency; Monitoring; Reliability; Routing; Security; Wireless sensor networks; security; trust evaluation; wireless sensor network (ID#: 15-8163)



Zhangqing He; Bangmin Yang; Xingran Deng; Kui Dai; Xuecheng Zou, “A SCA-Resistant Processor Architecture Based on Random Delay Insertion,” in Computing and Communications Technologies (ICCCT), 2015 International Conference on, vol., no., pp. 278–281, 26–27 Feb. 2015. doi:10.1109/ICCCT2.2015.7292760

Abstract: Random delay insertion is a simple and efficient approach to counter side-channel attacks, but previous methods do not have the ideal protective effect. In this article, based on random delay insertion, an effective processor architecture resistant to side-channel attacks was proposed. It used a combination of randomized scheduling, randomized instruction insertion and randomized pipeline-delay to resist side-channel attacks. On the base of ARM7 processor, we implemented this architecture and the implementation results showed that this processor has increased approximate 24.3% in hardware area than the original ARM7 processor. The CPA attack experiment results suggested that our new secure processor have high capacity to resist side-channel attacks and thus could be used in USBKEY, Smart CARD and other application scenarios which require extremely high security level.

Keywords: scheduling; security of data; ARM7 processor; CPA attack experiment; SCA-resistant processor architecture; USBKEY; random delay insertion; randomized instruction insertion; randomized pipeline-delay; randomized scheduling; security level; side-channel attack resistance; side-channel attacks; smart CARD; Central Processing Unit; Cryptography; Delays; Generators; Pipelines; Registers; Signal processing algorithms; ARM7; random delay (ID#: 15-8164)



Vinothini, S.; Subha, T., “An Efficient CRL Authentication Scheme for Vehicular Communications,” in Computing and Communications Technologies (ICCCT), 2015 International Conference on, vol., no., pp. 282–285, 26–27 Feb. 2015. doi:10.1109/ICCCT2.2015.7292761

Abstract: A vehicular ad hoc network (VANET) is a type of network that is used to create mobile nodes. It treats vehicles as mobile nodes and provides the means to communicate between vehicles for driving safely. Addressing the security requirements of inter-vehicle and vehicle-roadside communication plays an important role. In VANET, the vehicle nodes consist of On Board Unit (OBU) and Road Side Units (RSU). The RSU’s are installed along the road. Vehicles communicate with each other and as well as with RSUs through wireless communications. VANET adopt Certificate Revocation Lists (CRLs) for their security. The sender certificate is included in the current CRL to verify the authenticity and signature of the sender. A trusted authority (TA) performs registration to vehicle users during which vehicles pseudonyms and secrets are updates and stored in the vehicles OBU. Secure communication and anonymous protocol is important in VANET. We propose an efficient CRL based secure communication protocol which focuses on detecting malicious node in vehicular communications.

Keywords: on-board communications; protocols; telecommunication security; vehicular ad hoc networks; CRL authentication scheme; OBU; RSU; VANET; certificate revocation list; mobile node; on board unit; road side unit; secure communication protocol; trusted authority; vehicle-roadside communication; vehicles pseudonym; vehicular ad hoc network; vehicular communication; wireless communication; Authentication; Protocols; Vehicles; Vehicular ad hoc networks; Wireless communication; CRL; Trusted Authority; VANET; Vehicles; ad hoc (ID#: 15-8165)



Gera, T.; Thakur, D.; Singh, J., “Identifying Deceptive Reviews Using Networking Parameters,” in Computing and Communications Technologies (ICCCT), 2015 International Conference on, vol., no., pp. 322–327, 26–27 Feb. 2015. doi:10.1109/ICCCT2.2015.7292769

Abstract: Nowadays, client likes to take suggestions before spending on a new product. For this they go to online item review Web page for perusing other’s encounters and saying for that item. A real issue which was disregarded so far is the investigation of review spammers. However, numerous scientists gave their productive commitment in this field of exploration from 2007. The situation now asks for, conspicuous verification and ID of fake reviews and fake reviewers; as this has transformed into a colossal social issue. Those studies have the limit perceive certain sorts of spammers, e.g., the people who post various practically identical reviews around one target component. In any case, in fact, there are distinctive sorts of spammers who can control their practices to act much the same as certified users. This has transformed into a gigantic social issue. From various years, email spam and Web spam were the two essential highlighted social issues. In the meantime nowadays, on account of reputation of customers’ energy to Web shopping and their dependence on the online reviews, it transformed into a true center for review spammers to misdirect customers by making sham overviews for target things. To the best of our insight, very little study is accounted for in regards to this issue reliability of online reviews. To begin with paper was distributed in 2007 by Nitin Jindal & Bing Liu in regards to review Spam detection. In the past few years, variety of techniques has been recommended by researchers to accord with this trouble. This paper intends to identify suspicious review, review spammers and their group using rule based classification methods along with networking parameters.

Keywords: IP networks; Web sites; computer network security; online front-ends; unsolicited e-mail; Web shopping; Web spam; deceptive review identification; email spam; fake review ID; fake reviewer ID; networking parameters; online item review Web page; online review reliability; review spammers; rule based classification methods; social issue; suspicious review identification; target component; Classification algorithms; Computers; Data mining; Unsolicited electronic mail; Browser-id; IP Address; Review Matrix; Rule Coverage Graph; Rule Matrix; Rule based classification; Suspicious Review Classifier (SRC) (ID#: 15-8166)



Vidya, K.; Abinaya, A., “Secure Data Access Control for Multi-Authority Quantum Based Cloud Storage,” in Computing and Communications Technologies (ICCCT), 2015 International Conference on, vol., no., pp. 387–391, 26–27 Feb. 2015. doi:10.1109/ICCCT2.2015.7292781

Abstract: An efficient way of ensuring security in cloud is to give secure data access control among untrusted cloud server. Hence to improve the security, a new system could be introduced such as Quantum Security Scheme which invokes Quantum gates for encryption purpose. Quantum cryptography has been rapidly developing these days due to its efficient service which is provided by means of key generation and key distribution. Quantum Ciphertext-Policy Attribute Based Encryption (QCP-ABE) is a promising technique for data access control on encrypted data. This scheme also achieves mutual authentication among those authorities involving in the system and it also achieves both forward and backward security.

Keywords: authorisation; cloud computing; message authentication; quantum cryptography; quantum gates; storage management; QCP-ABE; backward security; cloud security; data access control security; forward security; key distribution; key generation; multiauthority quantum based cloud storage; mutual authentication; quantum ciphertext-policy attribute based encryption; quantum security scheme; untrusted cloud server; Cloud computing; Encryption; Logic gates; Quantum computing; Servers; Attribute based encryption; Quantum cryptography; data access control (ID#: 15-8167)



Poorvadevi, R.; Rajalakshmi, S., “A Cluster Based Signature Evaluation Mechanism for Protecting the User Data in Cloud Environment Through Fuzzy Ordering Approach,” in Computing and Communications Technologies (ICCCT), 2015 International Conference on, vol., no., pp. 392–397, 26–27 Feb. 2015. doi:10.1109/ICCCT2.2015.7292782

Abstract: A Fuzzy set techniques which perhaps eliminate the several ambiguities on the particular issue to take right decision. Users may prefer the fuzzy approaches for their internal computation conflicts or manipulation to access boundless of data from cloud. Even though we have many security approaches, users are facing massive difficulties to safeguard their owning data in cloud environment. Protecting the confidential data from various hackers is the tedious problem in the current trend. So, possibly we will achieve the efficient security outcome by applying the different set of security principles. This proposed model is well suitable for securing the user confidential information’s from the attackers in any situation. It focuses on clustering the different sort of input factors of customer validation attributes and evaluates these attributes to ensure the authenticity of unique users in cloud environment by ranking the distinguished threshold levels to prove user authentication function.

Keywords: cloud computing; computer crime; fuzzy set theory; message authentication; cloud environment; cluster based signature evaluation mechanism; confidential data protection; customer validation attributes; fuzzy ordering approach; fuzzy set techniques; hackers; internal computation conflicts; security approaches; user authentication function; user data protection; Authentication; Clustering algorithms; Communications technology; Computational modeling; Data models; Image segmentation; Cloud service provider; Cloud vendor; Cloudlet; Fuzzy clusters; Fuzzy decision maker; Fuzzy ordering set; Signature evaluator

(ID#: 15-8168)



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