ACT 2 Spin 1


ACT 2016 Workshop - Spin 1 Agenda

June 7, 2016 | Army Research Lab, Adelphi, Maryland


0900-0930: Coffee/Networking

0930-0945: Welcome

Refresher on the threat and the use cases

Date, location and agenda for Spins

0945 -1045: ARL Briefings:
                         Information Security Continuous Monitoring
                         CDSP Watch Officer Report

1045-1200: Use Case breakout sessions

1200-1245: Working Lunch: Glory Avina

1245-1300: Break

1300-1315: Damage Containment Outbrief

1315-1330: Device Integrity Outbrief

1330-1345: Secure and Available Transport Outbrief

1345-1400: Defense of Accounts Outbrief

1400-1415: Use Case Teams meet for wrap-up

1415-1430: Spin 1 Wrap-up