HoTSoS 2017 Analysis of Survey Results

Total respondents: 14


Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Did not attend

The content of the sessions were appropriate and informative

6 8 0 0

I have an improved understanding of Security Science after the symposium

4 9 1 0

Symposiums like this help build community in the area of Security Science

10 3 1 0

Keynotes were informative and engaging

6 7 0 1

Paper sessions were informative and beneficial

3 10 0 1

The panel was informative and beneficial

5 7 1 0

The poster sessions were valuable

6 8 0 0

The tutorials were informative and beneficial

2 6 1 5

The symposium was well organized

8 6 0 0

Symposium staff was helpful and courteous

12 2 0 0
Question Very Satisfied Satisfied

How satisfied were you with the registration process?

9 5

Overall, how satsfied were you with the presenters?

4 10

Overall, how satisfied were you with the symposium facilities?

10 4

How did you feel about the length of the symposium sessions?

Just about right (14)

What kinds of sessions would you like to see included at future symposiums?

  • I like panels
  • More papers
  • More on privacy and privacy policies
  • It was very technically oriented. It would have been nice to have a little stronger representation of social sciences in the paper sessions.

What was the most beneficial aspect of the symposium?

  • I like that lunch was 1.5 hrs. It gave real time to engage and not feel rush. Often conference put too much time into presentations and not enough on enabling people to engage. This had a great balance. I also like how the posters were upto the entire time.

  • That there were all kinds of specialists there, bringing ideas from some very different disciplines together.

  • Paper sessions and informal networking opportunities during breaks, poster sessions, and reception.

  • Conversations

  • The keynote speakers and the panel

  • The panel

Keynote suggestions for future symposiums?

  • Advanced cyber attack seen by defenders of large commercial company networks, described  by sector (e.g., financial, healthcare, telecom, etc.)

  • Greg Conti (IronNet, formerly West Point)

  • More keynote speakers from industry who can provide a perspective of security practices and applications in the real world.

What did you like least about the symposium?

  • Some of the presenters were a bit boring
  • Aaron Roth's keynote on differential privacy was too technical.
  • Too many posters sessions
  • Many presentations do not really show the actual _science_ of security

Were there a sufficient number of opportunities to interact and network with fellow attendees and presenters?

  • Yes (13)
  • No (1)

Would you attend this symposium again next year?

  • Yes (8)
  • Don't know (6)

I found the Science of Security Virtual Organization Help Desk helpful

  • Yes (6)
  • I did not visit the help desk (7)

I have an account on the Science of Security Virtual Organization

  • Yes (9)
  • No, but I'm interested (1)
  • Don't know (1)

I would use the Science of Security Virtual Organization to collaborate with others

  • Strongly Agree (3)
  • Agree (8)
  • Disagree (1)