Workshop 2011 - Emergent Behavior Track
Workshop 11 – Emergent Behavior Track
Date Document Title Author Modified By Comments

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2011-09-25 Complexity Science Challenges in Cybersecurity Robert C. Armstrong, Jackson R. Mayo, Frank Siebenlist  Luanne Burns Computers and the Internet are indispensable to our modern society, but by the standards of critical infrastructure, they are notably unreliable....
2011-09-25 Leveraging Complexity in Software for Cybersecurity Robert C. Armstrong, Jackson R. Mayo  Luanne Burns A method for assessing statistically quantifiable improvements in security for software vulnerabilities is presented. Drawing on concepts in complexity theory, undecidability,...
2011-09-25 Self-organization in social insects Eric Bonabeau, Guy Theraulaz, Jean-Louis Deneubourg, Serge Aron and Scott Camazine  Luanne Burns Self-organization was introduced originally in the context of physics and chemistry to describe how microscopic processes give rise to macroscopic structures...
2011-09-25 Swarm Intelligence Blum, Christian; Merkle, Daniel (Eds.)  Luanne Burns The laws that govern the collective behavior of social insects, flocks of birds, or fish schools continue to mesmerize researchers. While...
2011-09-22 The Promise and Peril of Big Data David Bollier  Luanne Goldrich According to a recent report1, the amount of digital content on the Internet is now close to five hundred billion gigabytes....
2011-09-16 The Calculi of Emergence: Computation, Dynamics, and Induction James P. Crutchfield  Luanne Burns Defining structure and detecting the emergence of complexity in nature are inherently subjective, though essential, scientific activities. Despite the difficulties, these...
2011-09-16 Directions in Security Metrics Research Wayne Jansen  Luanne Burns More than 100 years ago, Lord Kelvin insightfully observed that measurement is vital to deep knowledge and understanding in physical science....
2011-09-16 Quantitative Evaluation of Risk for Investment Efficient Strategies in Cybersecurity: The QuERIES Methodology LAWRENCE CARIN, GEORGE CYBENKO, JEFF HUGHES  Luanne Burns Organizations in both the private and public sectors have been struggling to determine the appropriate investments to make for protecting their...
2011-09-16 Other References for Emergent Behavior Track Antonio Sanfilippo  Luanne Burns This is a list of other books and referencesof read-ahead materials for the Emergent Behavior track sessions.
2011-09-16 Gaming security by obscurity Dusko Pavlovic  Luanne Burns The present paper explores some ways to refine the current models of the attacker, and of the defender, by taking into...
2011-09-16 Sherlock Holmes’s Evil Twin: On The Impact of Global Inference for Online Privacy Gerald Friedland, Gregor Maier, Robin Sommer, Nicholas Weaver  Luanne Burns a crucial ingredient tomanyweb sites and services today. However, many users who provide content do not realize that their uploads may...
2011-09-16 Public Security: simulations need to replace conventional wisdom Kay Hamacher, Stefan Katzenbeisser  Luanne Burns Is more always better? Is conventional wisdom always the right guideline in the development of security policies that have large opportunity...