Case Study: Verifying Safety of a UUV Heading PID Controller


Presented as part of the 2018 HCSS conference.


Dr. C. Durward McDonell is a Senior Computer Scientist at JHU/APL. He has aPh.D. in mathematics from the University of Minnesota. Durward joinedAPL in 2005. His research interests include formal analysis ofcomputer systems, particularly theorem proving and type theory, andquantum computer science.

Dr. Raymond McDowell is a software assurance analyst with the Software Assurance Research and Applications lab at JHU/APLHe earned bachelor's and master's degrees in computer science andengineering from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and aPh.D. in computer and information science from the University ofPennsylvania.  He has more than 15 years' experience in industry andacademia in the areas of automated support for software engineeringand formal specification and analysis of programs and programminglanguages.

Dr. Daniel Genin is a Senior Computer Scientist at JHU/APL. He received his bachelor'sand doctoral degrees in mathematics from the Pennsylvania State University. After joining APL in 2012 Daniel contributed to a range of different projectsfrom kernel integrity measurement to formal software verification. His currentinterests are in the area of formal software analysis and verification, as well as reverse engineering and embedded systems.

Ian Blumenfeld received his MA in mathematics from the University of Pennsylvania. He is interested in using formal reasoning in a variety of critical domains. His previous work has used formal methods tools in areas from malware analysisto cryptography. Prior to joining JHU/APL, Ian worked at CyberPoint, Galois and in the High Confidence Software and Systems Group at NSA.

Adam W. Cushman is a member of JHU/APL's Senior Professional Staff and is AssistantGroup Supervisor of the Special Concepts and Engineering Group. He has served asproject or technical lead on a wide variety of projects and his areas of interestare in physics-based modeling and simulation, autonomous systems, navigation,guidance, and control, and software development.

Jay Guthrie is a controls engineer at JHU/APL. He received his master's degree inengineering from Purdue University. He is currently working towards a Ph.D. in electrical engineering at Johns Hopkins University. He is interested inoptimization-based control methods with applications in power systems,aerospace vehicles, and autonomous systems.


Proportional Integral Derivative (PID) controllers are ubiquitous in cyber- physical systems, from industrial control to drones. Their simplicity and well-understood dynamics make them perfect candidates for safety critical applications. However, simplicity of design is inevitably compromised to ad- dress departures of the real-world systems from the idealized linear dynamics. For example, low-pass filtering may be added to reduce noise in the feedback signal, gain scheduling may be added to account for non-linearity in response, and output clamping may be added to constrain the control signal to an ac- ceptable range. As the complexity of the controller design grows, ensuring correct and safe operation of the system becomes a real challenge.

We demonstrate an approach based on hybrid systems analysis and formal methods that allows theorems about safety and correctness of a PID con- troller to be extended to the source code level implementation. This approach is explored through an application to the heading controller of an Unmanned Underwater Vehicle (UUV). We show how the hydrodynamic model of the UUV can be combined with the mathematical specification of the PID con- troller logic to verify roll angle safety using the KeYmaera X hybrid systems theorem prover. This is a mainly mathematical endeavor, where the main challenge is adapting well-known control theory results based on Lyapunov function theory to KeYmaera X’s differential dynamic logic formalism. The resulting proofs establish the safety of the controller at the specification level.

We then use the type constraint mechanisms and proof capabilities of SPARK / GNATprove to formally verify that the source-level SPARK implementa- tion of the controller logic satisfies the assumptions of the KeYmaera X specification proofs. In particular, we are using SPARK contracts to verify that floating point calculations preserve the desired PID recurrences

License: CC-2.5
Submitted by Katie Dey on