Using Object Capabilities and Effects to Build an Authority-Safe Module System
Darya Melicher is a PhD student in the School of Computer Science at Carnegie Mellon University. Her current research focuses on language-based security, and more broadly, she works on various aspects of programming languages, security, and software engineering.
Yangqingwei Shi is a graduated master student from Computer Science Department, Carnegie Mellon University. During his education, he worked with Dr. Jonathan Aldrich on the implementation of Authority-Safe Module Systems. He got his undergraduate degree from Peking University supervised by Dr. Yingfei Xiong. His research mostly focus on program analysis, software testing and programming languages.
Valerie Zhao is a current senior undergrad at Wellesley College in Wellesley, MA. She is interested in the areas of compilers, systems, architecture, and security, with potential HCI considerations. She looks forward to starting her PhD studies in the upcoming year.
Associate Professor Alex Potanin ( from Victoria University of Wellington works on type systems for object-oriented programming languages. In the past he developed generic ownership and immutability showing how to provide object graph encapsulation and mutability guarantees while utilising type polymorphism and other advanced type checking features. He also worked on empirical studies on Java memory usage and collections designs including showing that incoming and outgoing references for object graphs form power law relations. Over the past few years he was co-running a Wyvern Programming Language project together with Professor Jonathan Aldrich at Carnegie Mellon University ( - a novel object-based language for the web and IoT programming prioritising security considerations above all else during every language design and development decision.
Jonathan Aldrich is Professor of Computer Science at Carnegie Mellon University. He is the director of CMU's Software Engineering Ph.D. program, and teaches courses in programming languages, software engineering, and program analysis for quality and security. Dr. Aldrich joined the CMU faculty after completing a Ph.D. at the University of Washington and a B.S. at Caltech. His research centers new languages for expressing software and its properties that improve our ability to engineer software at scale. Dr. Aldrich's research contributions include verifying the correct implementation of an architectural design, modular formal reasoning about code, and API protocol specification and verification. For his work on software architecture, Aldrich received a 2006 NSF CAREER award and the 2007 Dahl-Nygaard Junior Prize, given annually for a significant technical contribution to object-oriented programming.