Getting Started on a Cyber Science Fair Project

IntroductionRegeneron ISEF 2024

Interested in getting started in doing a national security related science fair project? This is a good place to start. In 2014, The National Security Agency Research Directorate began recognizing and awarding projects at the now Regeneron International Science and Engineering Fair. Our goal is to encourage students to look at cybersecurity as an interesting field of study and help produce science critically needed in future careers and to advance the field. 

Why Cybersecurity

Cybersecurity projects are a gateway to the ever evolving cybersecurity world. There is considerable research on the shortage of cybersecurity professionals. Cybersecurity research is a way to scholarships, employment, and impactful careers. Cybersecurity brings together skillsets from across multiple areas, such as computer science, psychology, machine learning, software development, and others. Cybersecurity guarantees job security along with transferable skills that may be used across a broad spectrum. The future of cybersecurity lies in the hands of the youth today. 

Choosing a Project

The possibilities are endless on the potential projects that incorporate cybersecurity. Some examples to help you think about what you want to do:

  • Explore the security properties of a new component or system, perhaps build a prototype, and provide measurable (qualitative or quantitative) results. 
  • Develop a software component using modern software development tools for software analysis to avoid security vulnerabilities and test the result. 
  • Learn to use a formal specification/ verification language and apply it to a particular problem. 
  • Investigate how people interact with the security aspects of computer-based systems and measure the results. 

Finding Resources

  • Science of Security Virtual Organization (www.sos.vo-org)- You're already here! 
    • This site is the virtual organization of foundational cybersecurity researchers. You can read and see research and activities on this NSA funded site.  
    • Joining allows you contribute content, collaborate, and receive update emails.
  • Impact Cyber Trust
    • IMPACT, the Information Marketplace for Policy and Analysis of Cyber-risk & Trust, is a community of providers and seekers of cyber-risk-relevant data, tools and analytics to inform policy and analysis of cyber-risk and trust. 
    • Some datasets do require you to sign a document about them. You can have a teacher/mentor/school help with that. 

Examples of Good Science

Each year, the NSA has a competition to identify and recognize the best Scientific Cybersecurity Paper. All referred (peer-reviewed) papers are elligible. Take a look at the past winning papers and honorable mention to see what the best in cybersecurity are doing. The attributes looked at are:

  • Author discovers something about the cyber world using scientific methods.
  • Author indicates how the results do or might extend beyond current case
  • Author uses and documents a sound methodology in the research
  • Author expresses assumptions and limitations
  • Result has foundational or systemic impact
  • Clarity of Writing/Presentation