Research Concentration Areas

The Cyber Security research may address any or all of the system components (the hardware, software, human user and the network that connects them). Areas of interest include but are not limited to the following: (1) formally define basic system properties from which one can determine whether such a system can enforce desired security policies, including rigorous techniques for composing component properties to derive properties of  the  whole system  (2) formally define classes of cyber security attacks that cover all known attacks (3) formally define classes of cyber security policies and mechanisms (including defense, monitoring, response, etc.) that address those classes of attacks  (4)  formally define the adversarial process model with respect to the development of new classes of attacks (5) formally define classes of cyber protection (mixture of policies and mechanisms) that enforce those policies (6) formally develop metrics that measure areas 1 through 5 throughout a system (7) formally define other system properties and their metrics such as scalability, adaptability, ease of use, mission assurance, etc so that potential system designs can be compared against these properties and the cyber security property.