2019 HCSS Program Committee


  P R O G R A M   C O - C H A I R S  

MATT WILDING is an Associate Director at Collins Aerospace. Dr.  Wilding  received  a  PhD  in  Computer  Sciences  from  The University of Texas at Austin and joined Collins Aerospace in 1996. He has worked on many high confidence efforts, such as the  machine-checked  formal  methods  analysis  of  the AAMP7 microprocessor critical to several Collins information assurance products. Dr. Wilding led the digital vision systems research group from 2011-2016, which developed the Integrated Digital Vision System (IDVS) to enhance soldier situational awareness. He currently manages the Trusted Systems research group, which collaborates with corporate product areas and government research sponsors to develop and apply automated verification methods for complex embedded systems.

DR. ERIC W. SMITH is a Senior Computer Scientist at Kestrel Institute with over 18 years of experience in formal methods. He co-leads Kestrel's APT (Automated Program Transformations) project, which is developing proof-emitting program transformations in the ACL2 theorem prover and has been used in several Kestrel research projects. Dr. Smith is also continuing to develop the Axe tool originally written for his Ph.D. thesis at Stanford University. Axe can verify Java bytecode and x86 binary programs by lifting them into a logical representation which is then proved equivalent to a formal specification using Axe's high-performance rewriter and  equivalence  checker.  Dr.  Smith  currently  leads  Kestrel's AAHAA project to synthesize high-assurance monitors for machine learning algorithms. He led Kestrel's DerivationMiner effort, which used program synthesis techniques (derivations, specifications, and refinements) to construct correctness proofs of code found in large online repositories, and he led Kestrel's DARPA APAC effort to find malware in Android apps and formally prove the correctness of apps without malware.


  C O M M I T T E E  

PERRY ALEXANDER, University of Kansas  
KATHLEEN FISHER, Tufts University  
JOHN HATCLIFF, Kansas State University  
NICOLE HUGHES, National Security Agency  

BRAD MARTIN, National Security Agency  
BILL SCHERLIS, Carnegie Mellon University


 O R G A N I Z E R S   

Publicity and Communications: KATIE DEY (Vanderbilt University)  
Local Arrangements: ANNE DYSON (Cyber Pack Ventures)  
Graphic Design: AMY KARNS (Vanderbilt University)


S P O N S O R    A G E N C Y  

NITRD HCSS Coordinating Group