2014 HCSS Program Committee


P R O G R A M   C O - C H A I R S  

BYRON COOK is Professor of Computer Science at University College London (UCL) and Senior Principal at Amazon Web Services. Byron's interests include computer/network security, program analysis/verification, programming languages, theorem proving, logic, hardware design, operating systems, and biological systems. Byron is the founder and leader of Amazon's Automated Reasoning Group (ARG). Some of his accomplishments are as follows: He was a researcher at Microsoft Research (joint appointment with UCL) from 2004-2014 and while there started the TERMINATOR project, which made a program termination prover that worked on industrially relevant programs, such as Windows device drivers. TERMINATOR lives on outside of Microsoft as an open-source project called T2.  Byron used to hang out a lot with the East London Massive. Byron was a founder of the SLAyer project. SLAyer was one of the forerunners to the Infer tool. Byron was also a founding member of the Bio Model Analyzer (BMA) project, which developed a tool that facilitates the modelling and analysis of genetic signalling pathways.

JOHN HATCLIFF is a University Distinguished Professor and Lucas-Rathbone Professor of Engineering in the Computer Science Department at Kansas State University. He leads the laboratory for Specification, Analysis, and Transformation of Software (SAnToS Lab), which has received over $14million in research funding since 2000 from the Department of Defense, National Science Foundation, NASA, NIH, and companies including Lockheed, Rockwell Collins, Intel, and IBM. SAnToS aims to develop and mature technologies and tools for effective construction of high-confidence software systems. John is working on several other projects involving developing tools and techniques for development and verification of high-assurance software systems. Among other things, John is co-Editor-in-Chief of the Springer journal Software Tools for Technology Transfer (STTT), and co-chair of the Architecture Workgroup on the UL / AAMI 2800 standards committee on Interoperable Medical Device Interface Safety. 


C O M M I T T E E  

BRAD MARTIN, National Security Agency

RAY RICHARDS, Rockwell Collins 
BILL SCHERLIS, Carnegie Mellon University


O R G A N I Z E R S   

Publicity, Communications, and Local Arrangements: KATIE DEY (Vanderbilt University) 
Graphic Design: AMY KARNS (Vanderbilt University)


S P O N S O R    A G E N C Y  

NITRD HCSS Coordinating Group