2013 HCSS Program Committee


P R O G R A M   C O - C H A I R S  

BYRON COOK is Professor of Computer Science at University College London (UCL) and Senior Principal at Amazon Web Services. Byron's interests include computer/network security, program analysis/verification, programming languages, theorem proving, logic, hardware design, operating systems, and biological systems. Byron is the founder and leader of Amazon's Automated Reasoning Group (ARG). Some of his accomplishments are as follows: He was a researcher at Microsoft Research (joint appointment with UCL) from 2004-2014 and while there started the TERMINATOR project, which made a program termination prover that worked on industrially relevant programs, such as Windows device drivers. TERMINATOR lives on outside of Microsoft as an open-source project called T2.  Byron used to hang out a lot with the East London Massive. Byron was a founder of the SLAyer project. SLAyer was one of the forerunners to the Infer tool. Byron was also a founding member of the Bio Model Analyzer (BMA) project, which developed a tool that facilitates the modelling and analysis of genetic signalling pathways.

RAY RICHARDS joined DARPA in January 2016. Dr. Richards joined from Rockwell Collins Advanced Technology Center (ATC) where he led a research group focused on automated analysis, cyber, and information assurance. In this role he helped foster the industrial use of formal methods verification to support security accreditations. His research interests focus on high assurance software and systems. Dr. Richards holds Master of Business Administration, Doctor of Philosophy and Master of Science degrees in electrical and computer engineering, as well as a Bachelor of Science degree in electrical engineering, all from the University of Iowa. He has nine publications in the area of formal methods/software security analysis and one patent.


 C O M M I T T E E  

HELEN GIL, National Security Agency  
BRAD MARTIN, National Security Agency

BILL SCHERLIS, Carnegie Mellon University  
FRANK SEATON TAYLOR, National Security Agency  
TIM THIMMESCH, National Security Agency


O R G A N I Z E R S  

Publicity and Communications: KATIE DEY (Vanderbilt University)  
Local Arrangements: ANNE DYSON (Cyber Pack Ventures) and FRANKIE KING (Vanderbilt)


S P O N S O R    A G E N C Y  

NITRD HCSS Coordinating Group