2011 HCSS Program Committee


  P R O G R A M   C O - C H A I R S  

JOHN LAUNCHBURY is an American and British computer scientist who is currently Chief Scientist at Galois, Inc. Previously, he directed one of DARPA’s technical offices, where he oversaw nation-scale scientific and engineering research in cybersecurity, data analysis, and artificial intelligence. He is known for research and entrepreneurship in the implementation and application of functional programming languages. In 2010, Launchbury was inducted as a Fellow of the Association for Computing Machinery. Launchbury received first-class honors in mathematics from Oxford University in 1985, and an M.Sc. in computation in 1986. He holds a Ph.D. in computing science from the University of Glasgow.

BILL SCHERLIS assumed the role of office director for DARPA’s Information Innovation Office (I2O) in September 2019. In this role he leads program managers in the development of programs, technologies, and capabilities to ensure information advantage for the United States and its allies, and coordinates this work across the Department of Defense and U.S. government. Scherlis joined DARPA from Carnegie Mellon University (CMU), where he is a professor of computer science. He served for 12 years as director of CMU's Institute for Software Research (ISR), overseeing research and educational programs related to software development, cybersecurity, privacy engineering, Internet of Things, network analysis, mobility, systems assurance, and other topics. During 2012 and early 2013 he was the acting chief technology officer for the Software Engineering Institute, a Department of Defense FFRDC at CMU.


C O M M I T T E E  

HELEN GIL, National Security Agency 
BRAD MARTIN, National Security Agency

FRANK SEATON TAYLOR, National Security Agency 
TIM THIMMESCH, National Security Agency


  O R G A N I Z E R S  

KATIE DEY (PRO-tellingent, Inc.) 
FRANKIE KING (PRO-tellingent, Inc.)


 S P O N S O R   A G E N C Y  

National Security Agency