Poster Session

Presented as part of the 2020 HCSS conference


Attendees may peruse the virtual poster booths on Hopin to view pre-recorded content throughout the conference. A live virtual poster session will be held from 2:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. Eastern on Tuesday, September 15. Stop by then to view a live demonstration and video chat with the poster presenter.

A New Kind of Program Logic
Lindsay Errington
& Matt Sottile

Affix: Micro-executing Binaries to Produce Static Analysis Models
Anwar Mamat
, Ian Sweet, Michael Hicks
Correct Computation, Inc

Architecture Modeling for Resource Margin Estimation
*Srini Srinivasan
, *Russell Kegley, *Mark Gerhardt, *Rich Hilliard, **Clifford Granger,**Jonathan Preston,
†Steven Drager, †Matthew Anderson , ††Richard Rosa, ††Alan Charsagua
*nHansa, **Lockheed Martin, † Air Force Research Labs, †† Naval Air Systems Command

Memory Bugs Classes in the NIST Bugs Framework (BF)
Irena Bojanova
& Carlos Galhardo

VisionGuard: Runtime Detection of Adversarial Inputs to Perception Systems
Yiannis Kantaros
, Taylor Carpenter, Sangdon Park, Radoslav Ivanov, Sooyong Jang, Insup Lee, James Weimer
University of Pennsylvannia