SoS Lablet Working Group - Deadlines and Requirements

Science of Security Virtual Organization Checklist

Lead PI or Content Manager

  1. Home Page of Lablet Group
    • Create/Update Lablet Description
    • List the Lablet PI with Bio
    • List Content Manager for your Lablet
    • Click here for instructions on how to edit homepage content.
  2. Enlist your researchers to join the SoS-VO and create their project pages
    • Click here for instructions on how to add or invite researchers to your group.

Researchers or Content Manager

  1. Create a project page for each project
    • Description
    • List PIs, Co-PIs, and Researchers
    • Add related material as applicable
  2. Host quarterly lablet meetings on the VO
    • Post event details to the SoS-VO calendar
    • Create a registration webform
    • Create a webform to collect slide presentations
    • Post the meeting agenda
    • Post the meeting materials

CPS-VO Tutorial

Points of Contact

Stephanie Yannacci - SoS Program Lead and Contracting Officer Representative - 443.634.3957
Adam Tagert - Technical Lead - 443.634.3958
Heather Lucas - SoS Virtual Organization Lead - 443.634.3960
Katie Dey (VU) - SoS Virtual Organization Admin - 301.892.0888