Resources for Schools
The window to submit your application for your school to be a part of the OnRamp II Scholarship Program for the 2021-2022 school year is closed. Please check back for details about applying to the 2022-2023 program.
NSA is seeking proposals from educational institutions that desire to enter into an OnRamp II EPA with NSA to initiate a strategic relationship to achieve the program’s stated objectives. Schools will be selected based on an evaluation of proposals in accordance with the selection criteria outlined below. Academic scholarships and other program opportunities will not be available until a school is selected as an OnRamp II participant and has executed an EPA with NSA. To ensure a manageable program size for administration purposes and to account for anticipated funding availability, the Government expects to initially select approximately four schools for OnRamp II EPAs.
The OnRamp II program seeks to build upon the prior OnRamp program, the successes of which highlighted the benefits of NSA’s investment. Specifically, NSA plans to effect a successor program aimed at fostering educational partnerships between NSA and academic institutions to increase the pipeline of students in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) disciplines pursuing employment with NSA while enhancing their academic caliber. Utilizing the authority of 10 USC §§ 2192(b) and 2194, NSA plans to enter into Educational Partnership Agreements (EPAs) with a set of institutions most likely to achieve the OnRamp II goals (i.e., OnRamp II Schools).