Frequently Asked Questions for Schools

What are the citizenship requirements for Principle Investigators (PI) under the On Ramp II Program?

Principle Investigators under the On Ramp II program MUST be US citizens.

What are the cost proposal requirements for On Ramp II?

NSA is seeking proposals from educational institutions that desire to enter into an On Ramp II EPA with NSA, to initiate a strategic relationship to achieve On Ramp II objectives. Moreover, program opportunities will not be available until a school is selected and has executed an EPA with NSA. Therefore as to funding inquiries, no cost proposal is required at the time of initial proposal submission. Once an EPA is in place, academic scholarships and other program opportunities will be discussed and terms negotiated. Still further the heart of the proposal is to focus on a description of your institution’s ability and process to identify and nominate underrepresented students for internships and scholarship funding at NSA, potential to support the advancement of the technical health of a strongly diverse STEM pipeline for NSA, and the institution’s preparation for carrying out mission focused research.

What is the time period for which proposals can be written?

Regarding the “time period for which the proposal can be written”, descriptions detailing an institution’s “ability”, “potential”, and “preparation” do not require a “time period”, especially given that no costing information is being required within the initial submission.

Does an existing EPA cover OnRamp II? Does a new EPA need to be signed for schools that are selected participants?

The EPA will be specific to OnRamp II  and will not conflict with already established EPA or CRADA’s. 

Has the proposal submission timeline been altered as a result of current events?

Yes, we have extended the deadline to 24 April, 2020.

Will the OnRamp II Team be available to speak with individual schools regarding proposals?

No. Not at this time.

Does a school have to be designated as "minority serving" to apply?

No. A school does not have to be a Minority Serving Institution to apply.


Frequently Asked Questions for Students

What is the OnRamp II Scholarship Program?

The National Security Agency’s (NSA) OnRamp II Scholarship Program fosters educational partnerships between NSA and academic institutions to promote the technical health and diversity of students in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM). An important element of this partnership includes: scholarships, internships, and opportunity for mission-focused research.

Where/how do I start to apply for the OnRamp II scholarship?

To be eligible for the OnRamp II Scholarship Program you must be a student at one of the following schools:

  • North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University
  • Texas A&M University: Includes Texas A&M University, Prairie View A&M University, Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi, Texas A&M University-San Antonio, and West Texas A&M University.
  • University of Maryland, Baltimore County
  • University of Texas at San Antonio.

Details on where/how to apply for the OnRamp II Scholarship Program can be found on the OnRamp II Flyer.

Can this scholarship be combined with other scholarships? Will this effect financial aid? Can a student be awarded more than one scholarship?

Academic scholarships are awarded annually to ungraduated and graduate students of designated OnRamp II academic institutions. Students may receive scholarship funding for up to three years to complete their course of study. Other scholarships and/or aide can be applied if tuition and mandatory fees exceed the amount of an OnRamp II scholarship. Award of an OnRamp II scholarships will not affect a student’s ability to receive other financial aid. 

What if a student needs to drop or change a class? 

Students desiring to drop or change a class must notify the EPA Partner Program Manager at their school, as well as the NSA OnRamp II Program Office in advance of taking any action. Refer to Section I of the Student Handbook for details.

Can a student receive a waiver from the internship obligation if their clearance is not granted in time? 

The NSA OnRamp II Program Office can waive the 12-week internship requirement if a student does not receive a clearance in time to fulfill this particular obligation. Should a student receive a waiver, the service obligation will be extended by an additional 12 weeks. 

Will the OnRamp II Program support graduate and PhD studies? 

Yes. However, for this inaugural academic year (2021/22), support for sophomore and junior undergraduates will be a priority. 

How will GPA be calculated for transfer students? 

GPA will be determined by the designated OnRamp II academic institution, a transfer GPA will not be considered.

Does the OnRamp II Program support post docs? 

No, post doc support is not within the scope of the program.  

How many years can a student receive scholarship funding? 

Academic scholarships are awarded annually to ungraduated and graduate students of designated OnRamp II academic institutions. Students funded by the OnRamp II Program will be given priority for scholarship consideration for a total of three years to complete their course of study. 

What does OnRamp II scholarship funding cover?

The recipient of OnRamp II scholarship funding will receive up to $25,000 per academic year to cover:

  • Tuition support and education related fees (does not include meal plans, housing or parking).
  • Books (to include e-books and audio books) and school supplies up to $3000 per academic year.
  • Professional development up to $2000 per academic year (e.g. conference fees, certification training, and travel).

Scholarship funding cannot be used for stipends or administrative activities associated with managing the OnRamp II Program.