Protocol eXchange Meeting - June 2011

Protocol eXchange, 6/7/11

Protocol eXchange Meeting

National Cryptologic Museum

Magic Room

June 7, 2011

Organized by Ed Zieglar

Tuesday, June 7th

08:30 - 08:45 Arrival and Welcome

08:45 - 09:40 Toward Automated Support for Protocol Transformations

Paul Rowe (MITRE)

09:40 - 10:35 Security of tagged protocols under XOR

Sreekanth Malladi (Dakota State University)

10:35 - 10:45 Break

10:45 - 11:40 FSR: Formal Analysis and Implementation Toolkit for Safe Inter-domain Routing

Boon Thau Loo (University of Pennsylvania)

11:40 - 13:00 Lunch

13:00 - 13:55 Jeddak: Type-Based Support for Policy-Based Secure Programming

Dominic Duggan (Stevens Institute of Technology)

13:55 - 14:50 Extending Lowe's small-system result under XOR

Sreekanth Malladi (Dakota State University)

14:50 - 15:00 Break

15:00 - 15:55 Recent Developments in Cryptol

Joe Hendrix (Galois, Inc.)

15:55 - 16:00 Wrap-up

17:00 - ??:?? Dinner


Wednesday, June 8th

08:00 - 08:30 Arrival and Welcome

08:30 - 09:25 Deducing Security Goals From Shape Analysis Sentences

John Ramsdell (MITRE)

09:25 - 10:20 Asymmetric Unification: A New Unification Paradigm for Cryptographic Protocol Analysis

Cathy Meadows (NRL)

10:20 - 10:30 Break

10:30 - 11:25 Procedure Derivation Logic and its application to Airport Security

Cathy Meadows (NRL)

11:25 - 13:00 Lunch

13:00 - 14:50 Logical Protocol Analysis for Authenticated Diffie-Hellman

Dan Dougherty and Joshua Guttman (Worcester Polytechnic Institute)

14:50 - 15:00 Break

15:00 - 15:55 Round-table discussion on the development of a Diffie- Hellman Algebra for CPSA

15:55 - 16:00 Wrap-up