NSF-Funded C3E Challenge Problem Opportunity


C3E 2022 Challenge Problems


Dan Wolf is President and founder of Cyber Pack Ventures, Inc. (CPVI), a Maryland-based cybersecurity com0pany. CPVI provides technical and managerial consulting services to industry and government in the technical, scientific, procedural, and operational disciplines associated with national security. The company, founded in 2006, brings together a world class team of former government, industry, and academic leaders with a diverse set of talents covering all aspects of information security. Prior to founding CPVI, he was the head of the Information Assurance Directorate at the National Security Agency. Under his tutelage, the agency developed initial concepts and strategies for information assurance and cybersecurity. He managed seven lines of business covering vulnerability discovery, solutions generation and development, solution deployment and maintenance, defensive information operations, research, microelectronics, outreach and awareness. He currently serves on a number of corporate boards and technical advisory groups. Prior to his appointment as Director of Information Assurance, Mr. Wolf was the Directorate’s Deputy; other assignments include Chief of the Technical Support Group and Chief of the Cryptanalysis Analysis Group in the Operations Directorate. As leader of both organizations, he was responsible for providing time critical information to both government and military leaders worldwide. Throughout his career, he has successfully led numerous technical organizations. Mr. Wolf has received the Presidential Rank Award of Distinguished Executive, two Presidential Rank Awards of Meritorious Executive, the DoD Distinguished Civilian Service Award, and the DoD Medal for Meritorious Civilian. He also received the NSA Exceptional Civilian Service Award and the NSA Director’s Distinguished Service Medal. Mr. Wolf received a Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering from Case Institute of Technology and a Master of Science in Electrical Engineering (Computer Systems) from the University of Maryland College Park. He is a graduate of the Senior Executive Fellows Program, Harvard University, and the Federal Executive Institute. He also teaches programming and Homeland Security courses as an adjunct graduate faculty member.

Dr. Don Goff is Senior Scientist for Cyber Pack Ventures, Inc (CPVI). Since 2012, he has been the principal systems integrator and content provider for the Science of Security project. In this capacity, he has researched, reviewed and compiled an extensive bibliography of scientific research into scientific problems related to cybersecurity, including behavioral and technical aspects. Prior to joining CPVI, he was Professor and Executive Director of the Security Studies Laboratory at University of Maryland University College. Previously, he was Director of Federal Government Affairs for AT&T, Chief of Staff to Congressman John E. Porter (R, 10-IL), Executive Director of the Illinois Select Joint Committee on Regulatory Agency Reform, and Legislative Liaison for Governor James R. Thompson of Illinois. He is retired from the U.S. Army Reserve, having served 27 years in a variety of command and staff positions and has been an independent consultant specializing in cybersecurity. He has served on “blue ribbon” commissions and corporate and not-for-profit boards. He serves on several cybersecurity and professional conference committees and is a member of the National Visiting Committee for The Center for Systems Security and Information Assurance (CSSIA) in suburban Chicago, a project funded by the National Science Foundation. Dr. Goff received his Ph.D. from Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois in telecommunications and engineering management.

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