UIUC SoS 2012 Quarterly Lablet PI Meeting

2012 Quarterly SoS Lablet Meeting No. 2

April 17, 2012 | Hosted by Jose Meseguer, David Nicol, and Bill Sanders at UIUC


0800 Closed Meeting, Sponsors & Lablet PIs

1964 Science Paper on Strong Inference

Discussion led by Carl Landwehr

Workshops, Increasing Outside Participation?

Discussion led by David Nicols

Metrics, How Do We Know We Are Making Progress?

Discussion led by Stuart Krohn

Financial/Proposal Discussion- if needed/interest

All Participants

Future Closed Session Meetings- pros and cons of meeting the night before

All Participants

1000 Updates from Lablet PIs

Each Lablet will have 20 minutes to present on most substantial accomplishments so far and any limitations
1100 Improving the Science of Security Evaluations

John Loucaides (NSA/I4)
1200 Lunch
1300 Secure Composition

Anupam Datta (CMU), Limin Jia (CMU), Jeanette Wing (CMU)
1330 Invited Talk - Dan Dougherty (Worcester Polytechnic Institute)

Will be speaking on work he and Joshua Guttmanare pursuing/planning related to geometric logic supporting security analysis.
1400 Multi-Target Visualizations for Visual Analytics

Chris Healy (NCSU)
1430 Break
1500 Invited Talk - Michael Clarkson (George Washington University)

Will be speaking on work focused on making cybersecurity quantifiable
1530 Quantitative Security Metrics for Cyber-Human Systems

Bill Sanders (UIUC)
1600 VO Update

Led by Heather Lucas
1615 Closing Comments
1630 Meeting Adjourned