2013 Computational CyberSecurity In Compromised Environments (C3E) Workshop

Date: Oct 27, 2013 7:00 pm – Oct 30, 2013 11:00 am

Drawing upon past C3E themes of predictive analytics, visualization, decision-making and others, we’ll take C3E into its fifth year by focusing in two key areas: 

Navigating cyberspace – analysts have to deal with a crush of information in assessing developments in cyberspace.  What emerging analytic tools and methods are available to help them anchor, navigate, assess and map developments in this domain?  How do we even define navigation in cyberspace?  How do we validate the methods for doing so, and to what extent can we train analysts to explore the data rather than rely solely on technology? 

Cyberspace consequences – following on last year’s focus on decision-making in cyberspace, how do analysts and practitioners understand and assess the consequences of action taken in cyberspace, especially those in response to threat?  In this area, we’ll draw from a variety of other disciplines that have to understand individual and macro-level consequences, and how they make decisions related to threat mitigation and elimination.  We’ll begin with a broad discussion about how key practitioners make and value decisions, and how they assess consequences, both in real time and after the fact. 

Given the value of the C3E 2012 Challenge Problem to our ongoing discussions, we are introducing another challenge problem this year designed around domain name system (DNS) attack.   Further information for this year’s Challenge Problem is available for confirmed participants on our C3E.Info website.

This year, as always, we will gather a diverse set of experts in creative collaboration to tackle these tough intellectual challenges and point toward novel and practical solutions.  You have been identified as an expert who will make vital contributions to this discussion, whether because of your expertise in understanding cyberspace threats, applying state-of-the art analytic methods and models, or in the exploration of big data.   Your full participation throughout the workshop will be indispensable to its success.  Your contribution to the success of the workshop will consist of some preparatory reading and active engagement in one or more of the substantive tracks. 

The workshop, which will include approximately 60 distinguished participants from academia, industry, and government, will convene at the Thayer Conference Center at West Point on Monday morning, 28 October and will conclude Wednesday afternoon, 30 October.   As C3E 2012 participants will recall, The Thayer provides exceptional  accommodations and West Point will again be an excellent setting for our workshop.   Limited support for travel is available for non-government participants.  Please see our website at http://www.c3e.info for the latest information about the Fall Workshop.   To accept our invitation, simply respond to the e-vite by 31 August.  Feel free to explore the Virtual Organization (VO) web-site which hosts our e-vite as it provides a rich repository of cyber research and an opportunity to connect with other cyber researchers across the globe.  The C3E Team is available to answer any questions you may have about the Workshop.  We look forward to seeing you at West Point as an active contributor in our collective effort to advance the strategic defense of our nation’s cyber infrastructure.

Submitted by Lisa Coote on