A Framework for Assuring Increasingly Autonomous Systems in Human-Machine Teams
Jennifer Davis (Collins Aerospace)
A Unified View of Weirdness: A Logical Framework for Emergent Execution
William Harrison (Two Six Technologies)
Bridging the gap between protocol specification and program verification
Alexander Senier (AdaCore)
Capabilities Labeling
Greg Nelson (GrammaTech Inc.)
Cheesecloth: Zero-Knowledge Proofs of Real-World Vulnerabilities
James Parker (Galois, Inc)
CRAM: C++ to Rust Assisted Migration
Thomas Wahl (GrammaTech, Inc.)
Designing Devices via CPSA
Joshua Guttman (The MITRE Corporation)
Establishing synergy between Model and Data-driven methods for CPS Design
Sandeep Neema, Vanderbilt University
Flexible, Sound, End-to-End Attestations
Adam Petz (University of Kansas (I2S))
Formal verification of security and privacy requirements in modern ICT systems assisted by the Tamarin security-protocol prover
Ioana Boureanu (University of Surrey, Surrey Centre for Cyber Security)
Grading Open Source Software Development Practices
Stephen Magill (Sonatype, Inc.)
Leverageable Semantics Definitions and Contract Reasoning for a Technical Architecture Description Language
John Hatcliff (Kansas State University)
Next Steps for Trustworthy Machine Learning
Darren Cofer (Collins Aerospace)
Oqarina – Mechanization of the AADL Architectural Description Language
Jerome Hugues (Carnegie Mellon University/Software Engineering Institute)
Proteus: Automated Cyber Reasoning
Bill Bierman (GrammaTech, Inc)
Reasoning about the Robustness of Protocols
Eunsuk Kang (Carnegie Mellon University)
Scalable and Provable Distributed SAT Solving
Michael Whalen (Amazon Inc. and The University of Minnesota)
Semantic Backplane for Model-Based Development
Daniel Balasubramanian (Vanderbilt University)
Signet-ring: A Framework for Authenticating Sources and Lineages of Digital Objects
Mahesh Arumugam, Catherine Jimerson,Diamond Rorie,Amangeet Samra,Amrita Mande,Daniel Aranki (UC Berkeley)
Tools for Assurance-based Learning-enabled Cyber-Physical Systems: An Experience Report
Gabor Karsai (Vanderbilt University)
Verification-Guided Development of the Cedar Authorization Language
Kesha Hietala (Amazon Web Services (AWS))
Zappa for Correctly Implementing CPSA Analyzed Protocols
John Ramsdell (The MITRE Corporation)
Zelkova: 100 Million+ SMT Queries a Day
Jeremiah Dunham (Amazon Web Services)
HCSS 2023 Accepted Talks