Assurance-Case Driven Framework to Support Cyber-Physical Systems
Wuwei Shen
(Western Michigan University)
Bindle: Automatic Fuzz Harness Generation
Bill Bierman
Continuously Generating Models of Cloud Systems with Applications in Privacy
Tristan Ravitch
(Amazon Web Services)
A Framework for the Denotational Semantics of Multi-Composition
Zachary Flores, Angelo Taranto, and Eric Bond
(Two Six Technologies)
Lifecycle Attestation
Perry Alexander1, Adam Petz1, David Hardin2
(1Collins Aerospace, 2University of Kansas)
Model-based Reasoning Tool for Software Ecosystems
Solomon Berhe and Rishabh Mankatala
Scalable Industrial Control System Fuzzing Using Explainable
AI Jingshu Chen
(Oakland University)