"Ransomware Gang Takes Credit for February Reddit Hack"

The Alphv/BlackCat ransomware gang recently took credit for the February 2023 cyberattack against the social media site Reddit.  Reddit disclosed the breach shortly after being hacked earlier this year and described the incident as the result of a sophisticated and highly targeted phishing attack in which an employee’s credentials and second-factor authentication tokens were stolen.  Reddit noted that the attackers accessed internal documents, internal dashboards, business systems, source code, the information of hundreds of contacts and current and former employees, and advertiser data.  Alphv/BlackCat ransomware gang over the weekend listed Reddit on its leak site and claimed to have stolen 80GB of data.  No file-encrypting ransomware appears to have been deployed on Reddit’s systems.  The attackers are demanding a $4.5 million ransom to be paid in exchange for deleting the stolen data and that Reddit drops the API pricing changes set to go into effect this week.


SecurityWeek reports: "Ransomware Gang Takes Credit for February Reddit Hack"

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