"Wagner Ransomware Wants to Recruit Its Victims"

Wagner ransomware infects user devices and invites them to join the Wagner Group, which is a Russian Private Military Corporation (PMC). Cyble researchers say that the recently detected ransomware likely targets Russians. Instead of demanding payment, the ransomware demands that victims join the PMC led by Yevgeny Prigozhin. "Official Wagner PMCs employment virus," reads the ransom note on victim devices in Russian. The note also calls on the victim to "wage war" against Sergei Shoigu, Russia's longtime Minister of Defense. Cyble reports that while the ransom note mimics the bio section of the Wagner Group Telegram channel, the PMC itself has not publicly claimed responsibility for the ransomware campaign. The strain seems to be a variant of Chaos ransomware, which evolved from the RYUK ransomware. Wagner ransomware targets data stored on the C: drive, encrypting documents, contacts, and more. This article continues to discuss the Wagner ransomware campaign. 

Cybernews reports "Wagner Ransomware Wants to Recruit Its Victims"

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