"Serious Vulnerability Exposes Admin Interface of Arcserve UDP Backup Solution"

A new vulnerability, tracked as CVE-2023-26258, was identified in the web management interface of Arcserve UDP by security researchers at MDSec. The researchers noted that successfully exploiting the bug could allow an attacker to access the administrative interface. According to the researchers, the flaw was discovered in the way HTTP requests containing login information were transmitted between the web browser and the administrative interface. Specifically, the security researchers observed that a user validation method being invoked creates a client acting as a proxy that communicates with a web service responsible for validating the supplied credentials. The researchers noted that because the location of the web service is supplied in the request, they were able to modify the request so that the client would contact an HTTP server controlled by them. Further analysis of the requests transmitted between the client and the web service allowed the researchers to identify information such as OS version, domain name, and administrator account name, along with a method that validates users by UUID, and an AuthUUID value. The researchers stated that once they supplied the AuthUUID value to the web service, they received the cookie for a valid administrator session in response, which allowed them to retrieve the encrypted password for that account. MDSec reported the vulnerability in early February 2023. A patch was released on June 27, roughly four months after a CVE identifier was assigned to the bug. Arcserve UDP 9.1 resolves CVE-2023-26258, along with an Apache Commons FileUpload (CVE-2023-24998) flaw, three Spring Framework vulnerabilities made public last year, and various other issues.


SecurityWeek reports: "Serious Vulnerability Exposes Admin Interface of Arcserve UDP Backup Solution"

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