"VirusTotal Leaked Data of 5,600 Registered Users"

A data breach faced by VirusTotal exposed the names and email addresses of 5,600 registered users. The leaked data reportedly includes employee information from US and German intelligence agencies. VirusTotal is a popular online service owned by Google that analyzes suspicious files and URLs to detect malware and malicious content through antivirus engines and website scanners. A VirusTotal employee unintentionally uploaded a file containing the names and email addresses of VirusTotal customers at the end of June, as confirmed by Google to the German publication Der Spiegel. Even though the company deleted the list within an hour of its upload, at least one user downloaded the file. It ultimately reached the hands of Der Spiegel journalists, who confirmed the authenticity of the list. This article continues to discuss the VirusTotal data leak and the risk associated with uploading files to this online service. 

Help Net Security reports "VirusTotal Leaked Data of 5,600 Registered Users"


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