"New Cybersecurity Advisory Warns About Web Application Vulnerabilities"

The National Security Agency (NSA) collaborated with US and international cyber agencies to issue the Cybersecurity Advisory (CSA) titled "Preventing Web Application Access Control Abuse," which warns that vulnerabilities in web applications, including Application Programming Interfaces (APIs), may enable malicious actors to manipulate and access sensitive data. The partnering agencies, which include the Australian Cyber Security Centre (ACSC), the US Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA), and the NSA, provide vendors, designers, developers, and consumer organizations with guidance to mitigate Insecure Direct Object Reference (IDOR) vulnerabilities in web applications. IDOR vulnerabilities are web application access control flaws that allow malicious actors to modify, delete, or access sensitive data. The exploitation of these vulnerabilities could affect any web application, including those deployed in Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) used for cloud applications, private cloud models proprietary to the organization's infrastructure, and others. This article continues to discuss the CSA on preventing the abuse of access control vulnerabilities in web applications.

NSA reports "New Cybersecurity Advisory Warns About Web Application Vulnerabilities"

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