"Linux Version of Abyss Locker Ransomware Targets VMware ESXi Servers"

The Abyss Locker operation has developed a Linux encryptor that targets VMware's ESXi Virtual Machine (VM) platform for enterprise-level attacks. As businesses migrate from individual servers to VMs for improved resource management, performance, and disaster recovery, ransomware groups develop encryptors that are specifically designed to target the platform. Considering that VMware ESXi is one of the most widely-used VM platforms, nearly every ransomware group has begun releasing Linux encryptors to encrypt all virtual servers on a device. Other ransomware operations that use Linux ransomware encryptors include Akira, Royal, Black Basta, LockBit, BlackMatter, AvosLocker, REvil, Hello Kitty, RansomEXX, and Hive, with most targeting VMware ESXi. This article continues to discuss the Linux version of Abyss Locker ransomware.

Bleeping Computer reports "Linux Version of Abyss Locker Ransomware Targets VMware ESXi Servers"

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