"Researchers Claim US-Registered Cloud Host Facilitated State-Backed Cyberattacks"

According to researchers at the cybersecurity company Halcyon, the US-registered cloud company Cloudzy provided web hosting and Internet services to over two dozen state-sponsored hacking groups and commercial spyware operators. In a recently published report, Halcyon noted that it had discovered Cloudzy to be "knowingly or unwittingly" serving as a command-and-control provider (C2P) for well-known state-sponsored hacking groups. C2Ps are Internet providers that enable hackers to host virtual private servers and other anonymized services for ransomware affiliates conducting cyberattacks and extortion. The groups that rely on Cloudzy include the China-backed espionage group APT10, North Korea-backed hacking group Kimsuky, and more. This article continues to discuss the facilitation of state-backed cyberattacks by a US-registered cloud company. 

TechCrunch reports "Researchers Claim US-Registered Cloud Host Facilitated State-Backed Cyberattacks"


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