"Alleged NATO Data Theft Leaked Hundreds of Sensitive Documents and Thousands of User Records"

The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) is investigating the alleged theft of data by the hacktivist group known as SiegedSec. The threat actor claims to have compromised the Communities of Interest (COI) Cooperation Portal and stolen hundreds of confidential documents. According to SiegedSec, the data breach had nothing to do with the ongoing conflict between Russia and Ukraine. The threat intelligence company CloudSEK analyzed the 845 MB of leaked compressed data, discovering unclassified information and 8,000 employee records from 31 countries. The compromised information included names, business email addresses, home addresses, companies and units, working groups, job titles, and pictures. In addition, CloudSEC discovered 20 unclassified documents, while SeigedSec claims to have up to 700. Some leaked documents were several years old, while others were as recent as July 2023. Although the nature of the information in most leaked documents remains unknown, some contained a list of software used by NATO, including vendor information and version numbers. This article continues to discuss the alleged NATO data theft.

CPO Magazine reports "Alleged NATO Data Theft Leaked Hundreds of Sensitive Documents and Thousands of User Records"

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