"U-M Researchers Play Role in Creating New California Privacy Choice Icon"

California has enacted a new online privacy icon designed to give users greater authority over their personal information. Researchers from the University of Michigan's School of Information (UMSI) led the research to create the icon, simplifying consumers' privacy choices. According to Florian Schaub, associate professor of information at the University of Michigan, consolidation was found to be the most important aspect of the design when testing different styles of icons to get consumers' reactions. One link is the most effective and easy-to-understand alternative to multiple links for different aspects of a privacy policy. Implementing clear opt-out options and concrete privacy choices will benefit consumers by easing their control over their personal data. Schaub, Yixin Zou, a former doctoral candidate at UMSI, as well as researchers from Carnegie Mellon University and Fordham University collaborated with the California attorney general's office to research the misconceptions some users had about different privacy icons. They conducted multiple rounds of research and testing to eliminate misconceptions and ensure that the icon effectively conveys the essence of privacy options. This article continues to discuss the new California privacy choice icon. 

The University of Michigan reports "U-M Researchers Play Role in Creating New California Privacy Choice Icon"

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