"CISA Cybersecurity Strategic Plan: Shifting the Arc of National Risk to Create a Safer Future"

President Biden issued the National Cybersecurity Strategy in March, outlining a clear and imperative path for the US. As the nation's Cyber Defense Agency, the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) plays a pivotal role in advancing toward a future in which robust collaboration is the norm and the responsibility for more effective and equitable cybersecurity is rebalanced. CISA has released its Cybersecurity Strategic Plan for FY2024-2026 to assure accelerated progress toward this vision. The plan is centered on three goals: addressing immediate threats, hardening the environment, and driving security at scale. CISA will collaborate with partners to gain visibility into the breadth of intrusions targeting the US, enable the disruption of threat actor campaigns, ensure adversaries are quickly evicted when intrusions occur, and expedite the mitigation of exploitable conditions that adversaries repeatedly exploit. This article continues to discuss the CISA Cybersecurity Strategic Plan. 

CISA reports "CISA Cybersecurity Strategic Plan: Shifting the Arc of National Risk to Create a Safer Future"

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