"How Do People Really Feel About Electronic Health Records?"

Since January 2021, patients with statutory health insurance in Germany have had the option to use an electronic health record. However, not many people have taken advantage of it. An interview study conducted by researchers at Ruhr University Bochum, Leibniz University Hannover, and CISPA – Helmholtz Center for Information Security revealed that there are many misconceptions about the digital infrastructure on which the records are based, such as who can view which data. People have expressed skepticism regarding the role of health insurance companies. Professor Karola Marky and Ph.D. student Rebecca Panskus of Ruhr University Bochum presented the findings at the 2023 Symposium on Usable Privacy and Security (SOUPS). Marky concludes from the study that there is much room for improvement with regard to the digital infrastructure of electronic health records. This article continues to discuss the study on privacy mental models of electronic health records. 

Ruhr University Bochum reports "How Do People Really Feel About Electronic Health Records?"

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