"MRU Researchers Share Insights on How to Combat Hybrid-Cyber-Attacks"

Due to their complexity, hybrid cyber threats are dangerous. Oftentimes, cyberattacks are accompanied by an information component designed to achieve specific objectives, such as misleading the public or convincing them of things favorable to the nation launching the attack. The cybersecurity experts and professionals, Dr. Darius Štitilis and Associate Professor Marius Laurinaitis from Mykolas Romeris University (MRU), along with Professor Matthew Warren, the Director of the Cyber Security Center at the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology (RMIT) in Adelaide, Australia, are sharing their insights on new generation hybrid threats and the need to expand the application of the hybrid threat model developed within the European Union (EU) beyond its borders. This article continues to discuss insights on combating hybrid cyberattacks. 

Mykolas Romeris University reports "MRU Researchers Share Insights on How to Combat Hybrid-Cyber-Attacks"

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