"Android Browsers Threaten User Privacy, Says Khoury-Led International Research Team"

In a recent study titled "Not Your Average App: A Large-scale Privacy Analysis of Android Browsers," Amogh Pradeep, a doctoral student at Khoury College, and his multinational research team set out to examine the personal data collected by browsers and how to prevent such collection. After analyzing the largest dataset of these browsers ever compiled, the researchers discovered numerous Android browsers engaged in privacy-harming activities. Pradeep and his team analyzed 424 browsers, which included Google Chrome, UC Browser, Mozilla Firefox, and Opera. They conducted a series of experiments on each browser and hypothesized that the browsers were replacing or modifying content in ways that compromised user privacy. This article continues to discuss findings from the privacy analysis of Android browsers. 

Northeastern University reports "Android Browsers Threaten User Privacy, Says Khoury-Led International Research Team"

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