"FBI, Air Force Warn of Cyberattacks on Space Industry by 'Foreign Intelligence Operations'"

According to US intelligence agencies, unnamed Foreign Intelligence Entities (FIEs) are escalating cyberattacks against US-based space companies. The FBI, the National Counterintelligence and Security Center (NCSC), and the Air Force Office of Special Investigations (AFOSI) recently released an advisory warning of cyberattacks on the space industry. The agencies noted that FIEs recognize the significance of the commercial space industry to the US economy and national security, as well as the rising dependence of critical infrastructure on space-based assets. They consider the innovation and assets of the US in space as both potential threats and opportunities to acquire critical technologies and expertise. FIEs gain access to the US space industry through cyberattacks, strategic investments, and targeting key supply chain nodes, among other methods. This article continues to discuss the increase in cyberattacks on the US space industry by FIEs. 

The Record reports "FBI, Air Force Warn of Cyberattacks on Space Industry by 'Foreign Intelligence Operations'"

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