"Spoofing an Apple Device and Tricking Users Into Sharing Sensitive Data"

At the DEF CON hacker conference, white hat hackers demonstrated how to spoof an Apple device and deceive users into divulging sensitive information. Conference attendees who use iPhones saw pop-up messages prompting them to connect their Apple ID or share their password with a nearby Apple TV. The messages were part of a study conducted by security researcher Jae Bochs. According to Bochs, data was not collected during the experiment. He was sending out Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) advertisement packets that do not require pairing. He used inexpensive equipment consisting of a Raspberry Pi Zero 2 W, two antennas, a Bluetooth adapter compatible with Linux, and a portable battery. This article continues to discuss the demonstrated spoofing of an Apple device that could trick users into sharing their sensitive data.

Security Affairs reports "Spoofing an Apple Device and Tricking Users Into Sharing Sensitive Data"


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