"Lack of Visibility Into Cloud Access Policies Leaves Enterprises Flying Blind"

According to Strata Identity, the top security concern in multi-cloud environments is fragmented access policies, as more than 75 percent of enterprises reported not knowing where applications are deployed or who has access to them. Since last year, the percentage of organizations using a single cloud identity provider (IDP) has decreased from 30 percent to 20 percent. The remaining 80 percent are currently using multiple IDPs to manage enterprise identity. The top three cloud security concerns among enterprises are a lack of visibility into access policies (67 percent), identity-based threats (65 percent), and data privacy regulations (56 percent). This article continues to discuss key findings from Strata Identity regarding cloud security concerns and cloud identity systems. 

Help Net Security reports "Lack of Visibility Into Cloud Access Policies Leaves Enterprises Flying Blind"

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