"New Telegram Bot 'Telekopye' Powering Large-scale Phishing Scams from Russia"

A new operation motivated by financial gain involves a malicious Telegram bot to help threat actors scam their victims. The Telekopye toolkit automates creating a phishing website from a template and sending the URL to potential victims. According to ESET, this toolkit functions as a Telegram bot that, when activated, provides easy-to-navigate menus that can accommodate multiple scammers simultaneously. Evidence suggests that Russia is the toolkit's country of origin due to the use of Russian SMS templates. Multiple variants of Telekopye have been discovered to date, with the earliest dating back to 2015, indicating that it has been actively maintained and used for several years. This article continues to discuss researchers' findings and observations regarding Telekopye. 

THN reports "New Telegram Bot 'Telekopye' Powering Large-scale Phishing Scams from Russia"

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