"Hacking Group KittenSec Claims to 'Pwn Anything We See' to Expose Corruption"

In the past month, a hacking group known as "KittenSec" claims to have attacked government and private sector computer systems in multiple NATO countries, arguing that it is exposing corruption. KittenSec is part of a line of groups hacking government and private targets worldwide, contributing to the overall increase in hacktivism. Representatives of KittenSec told CyberScoop that the group is new but has connections to other hacktivist groups, including ThreatSec and GhostSec. According to the representatives, KittenSec has about a dozen members. The group has struck targets whose governments it deems corrupt, but KittenSec's representatives insist they have no ties to any country. This article continues to discuss the KittenSec hacking group. 

CyberScoop reports "Hacking Group KittenSec Claims to 'Pwn Anything We See' to Expose Corruption"

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