"Legal Liability for Insecure Software Might Work, but It's Dangerous"

According to Contrast Security's CTO Jeff Williams, ensuring security in the software market is crucial, but it is essential to strike a balance that avoids excessive government regulation and the burdens of government-mandated legal responsibility, also known as a liability regime. The market is flawed in regard to security, and intervention is necessary but Williams says a less intrusive approach allows the market to determine the right level of security while minimizing the need for heavy-handed government intervention. Imposing a liability regime on software companies may be excessive and result in unintended outcomes. The disadvantages of liability, such as increased costs, the possibility of legal disputes, and innovation disincentives, can impede the development of secure software without necessarily ensuring improved security outcomes. A liability regime could also disproportionately burden smaller companies and stunt the software industry's diversity and innovation. This article continues to discuss insights regarding the potential unintended consequences of imposing government-regulated security requirements on software companies.

Dark Reading reports "Legal Liability for Insecure Software Might Work, but It's Dangerous"

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