"School of Engineering Establishes Virtual Institute to Combat Cyber Threats"

A newly established virtual institute at the University of Kansas (KU) School of Engineering will prepare the next generation of military and civilian leaders to fight the growing threat of cyberattacks and protect the electromagnetic spectrum (EMS). The US Department of Defense (DoD) awarded KU a two-year $1.5 million grant to establish the Virtual Institutes for Cyber and Electromagnetic Spectrum Research and Employ (VICEROY) program. Fengjun Li, professor of electrical engineering and computer science at KU and lead researcher for the VICEROY program, emphasized that the complexity and diversity of modern communication systems, such as 5G and 6G networks, as well as Artificial Intelligence (AI) and electronic warfare systems, pose tough challenges for protecting networks from cyberattacks. This article continues to discuss the goals of the VICEROY program. 

The University of Kansas reports "School of Engineering Establishes Virtual Institute to Combat Cyber Threats"

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