"What's in a NoName? Researchers See a Lone-Wolf DDoS Group"

NoName057(16), a Russian hacker group, conducts Distributed Denial-of-Service (DDoS) attacks against European financial institutions, government websites, and transportation services. The group recently claimed responsibility for disrupting the websites of several banks and financial institutions in the Czech Republic and Poland, which it views as hostile to the Russian state due to their support for Ukraine. NoName057(16), like other pro-Kremlin hacktivist groups such as Killnet or the Cyber Army of Russia, carries out relatively easy and brief DDoS attacks with the help of hundreds of volunteers. The objective is to disrupt everyday life, even if it is just for a few minutes. Researchers note that some aspects distinguish this group from others. According to Pascal Geenens, director of cyber threat intelligence at the cybersecurity company Radware, NoName057(16) is considered a "lone wolf" in the Russian cybercrime landscape as the group does not form any alliances with other hackers and relies mainly on the custom-built DDoSia toolkit to execute its attacks. This article continues to discuss findings and observations regarding NoName057(16). 

The Record reports "What's in a NoName? Researchers See a Lone-Wolf DDoS Group"

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