"Better Cybersecurity With New Material"

Encryption is the most common method for protecting information. Information is encrypted using a Random Number Generator (RNG), which can be a computer program or the hardware itself. The RNG provides the keys to encrypt and unlock information at the receiving end. According to researchers, the Quantum Random Number Generator (QRNG) is the hardware method that provides the best randomness. Guilherme B. Xavier, a researcher at Linkoping University's Department of Electrical Engineering, and his research group, in collaboration with researchers at the Department of Physics, Chemistry, and Biology (IFM), have developed a new type of QRNG that can be used for encryption. The use of light-emitting diodes made from the crystal-like material perovskite is a new aspect of the researchers' QRNG. This article continues to discuss the new type of RNG for encryption developed at Linkoping University. 

Linköping University reports "Better Cybersecurity With New Material"

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