"UK and US Sanction 11 Russians Connected to Notorious Trickbot Group"

Authorities in the US and UK have sanctioned 11 Russian nationals alleged to have been part of the criminal group responsible for the Trickbot malware and Conti ransomware schemes. According to the US Treasury, the sanctioned individuals include key actors involved in the Trickbot group's management and procurement. The group has connections to Russian intelligence services. The banking trojan and botnet led to the theft of over $180 million worldwide. The 11 new additions follow a first round of sanctions imposed in February against a single criminal network believed to be behind the Conti and Ryuk ransomware gangs, as well as those involved with the Trickbot banking trojan. This article continues to discuss US and UK authorities sanctioning more alleged Trickbot group members. 

The Record reports "UK and US Sanction 11 Russians Connected to Notorious Trickbot Group"

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