Multi-model run-time security analysis
Lead PI:
Juergen Pfeffer

Our research focuses on creating the scientific foundations to support model-based run-time diagnosis and repair of security attacks. Specifically, our research develops models that (a) scale gracefully with the size of system and have appropriate real-time characteristics for run-time use, and (b) support composition through multi-model analysis. Network models will complement architectural models in two ways: (a) to characterize the organizational context of a system, and (b) to detect anomalies through network representations of architectural behavior. The former can be particularly effective, for example, in detecting and preventing insider attacks, which are often linked to organizational issues. The latter will lead to the creation of a new set of architectural metrics (e.g., based on network measures) to rapidly detect anomalous behaviors.

PI: Juergen Pfeffer
Co-PIs: David Garlan, Bradley Schmerl

Hard Problem(s) Addressed

  • Composability through multiple semantic models (here, architectural, organizational, and behavioral), which provide separation of concerns, while supporting synergistic benefits through integrated analyses.
  • Scalability to large complex distributed systems using architectural models.
  • Resilient architectures through the use of adaptive models that can be used at run-time to predict, detect and repair security attacks.
  • Predictive security metrics by adapting social network-based metrics to the problem of architecture-level anomaly detection.

Impact on Science of Security

We address composability through multiple semantic models (here, architectural, organizational, and behavioral), which provide separation of concerns, while supporting synergistic benefits through integrated analyses. Our work is related to the thrust of resilience, through the use of adaptive models that can be used at run-time to predict, detect and repair security attacks. Finally, our work also bears on the topic of security metrics, since we will be adapting social network-based metrics to the problem of architecture-level anomaly detection.

Juergen Pfeffer