Resilient Systems through Adaptive Architecture
Lead PI:
David Garlan

This project proposes Adaptive Security Architecture (ASA), a new model-based methodology for developing systems that are resilient, in that they are capable of delivering critical services in the presence of a security compromise. In this approach, a system is designed with explicit mechanisms for (1) detecting when one or more components deviate from their assumed behavior, possibly due to an on-going attack, and (2) dynamically relaxing its service guarantees to be achievable under the security compromise. 

The overall goal of this project is to develop an approach for designing and deploying systems that are resilient, in that they are capable of providing critical services even when some components have been compromised by an attack.

David Garlan

David Garlan is a Professor in the School of Computer Science at Carnegie Mellon University. His research interests include:

  • software architecture
  • self-adaptive systems
  • formal methods
  • cyber-physical system

Dr. Garlan is a member of the Institute for Software Research and Computer Science Department in the School of Computer Science.

He is a Professor of Computer Science in the School of Computer Science at Carnegie Mellon University.  He received his Ph.D. from Carnegie Mellon in 1987 and worked as a software architect in industry between 1987 and 1990.  His research interests include software architecture, self-adaptive systems, formal methods, and cyber-physical systems.  He is recognized as one of the founders of the field of software architecture, and, in particular, formal representation and analysis of architectural designs. He is a co-author of two books on software architecture: "Software Architecture: Perspectives on an Emerging Discipline", and "Documenting Software Architecture: Views and Beyond." In 2005 he received a Stevens Award Citation for “fundamental contributions to the development and understanding of software architecture as a discipline in software engineering.” In 2011 he received the Outstanding Research award from ACM SIGSOFT for “significant and lasting software engineering research contributions through the development and promotion of software architecture.”  In 2016 he received the Allen Newell Award for Research Excellence. In 2017 he received the IEEE TCSE Distinguished Education Award and also the Nancy Mead Award for Excellence in Software Engineering Education He is a Fellow of the IEEE and ACM.

Institution: Carnegie Mellon University
Project Material