Secure Native Binary Execution
Lead PI:
Prasad Kulkarni

Typically, securing software is the responsibility of the software developer. The customer or end-user of the software does not control or direct the steps taken by the developer to employ best practice coding styles or mechanisms to ensure software security and robustness. Current systems and tools also do not provide the end-user with an ability to determine the level of security in the software they use. At the same time, any flaw or security vulnerabilities ultimately affect the end-user of the software. Therefore, our overall project aim is to provide greater control to the end-user to actively assess and secure the software they use.

Our project goal is to develop a high-performance framework for client-side security assessment and enforcement for binary software. Our research is developing new tools and techniques to: (a) assess the security level of binary executables, and (b) enhance the security level of binary software, when and as desired by the user to protect the binary against various classes of security issues. Our approach combines static and dynamic techniques to achieve efficiency, effectiveness, and accuracy.

Prasad Kulkarni
Institution: University of Kansas
Sponsor: National Security Agency